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Head Coach Vacancy

Head Coach Vacancy

Gareth Windsor23 Apr 2024 - 19:41

Wheats searching for new head coach for the 24/25 season

Having come to the end of one of the most challenging seasons in recent memory, during which we did some reflecting and soul searching, the Old Wheatleyans are looking for a new head coach.
We are a proud club with a long history of great success but have struggled a little over the last season without a full time head coach to bond the club and our senior side, in particular, together.
We are committed to finding the right person to lead our club for the next few seasons. The Old Wheats has always been a warm, welcoming and supportive environment and the right candidate should reflect this. Having the ability to understand what motivates different people rather than a one size fits all approach is vital. Someone who, in addition to having an obvious passion for rugby, has a passion for improving players. Someone who can put together a vision and game plan and articulating that clearly for all to understand. And of course, making training and game days fun!
Our club has a healthy and growing minis and juniors section, with our current Under 14’s playing in the cup final at the end of the month. We would like our new head coach to engage with our youth age groups to help to bridge the gap between them and the senior sides.
The new head coach will be ably supported by a passionate a dedicated group of senior players and the committee.
We are all excited for what lies ahead for our glorious club.

Head Coach Vacancy 2024

Further reading